Field Day West Allis Radio Amateur Club
A Non-Profit Educational Organization

2023 Field Day Plans
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This Year's Plan

2023 will have a few tweaks over last year.

Our Field Day site for 2023 will again be D. J. Mackie. And as last year, it will be a Saturday daylight operation only. We are getting old. Our plan is to be battery powered.

There will be a solar station and Barb KD9HPS has volunteered to run the GOTA station

Since antennas will be located within 100 feet of each other, band pass filters will be used. We are investing in some new ones.

The FD committee plans on having another meeting in 4 or 5 weeks (late May).

Stay tuned...

Dave Garnier, WB9OWN - FD Honcho
West Allis Radio Amateur Club

© 2023 West Allis Radio Amateur Club
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